Friday, April 29, 2011

The Top Five Reasons Women Can't Stand Nice Guys

Women always claim they want to date a "nice" guy.  But everyone knows that "bad boys" get more action . . . unless you're in line for the throne of England. 

So the website Tango came up with a list of reasons why women can't stand nice guys.  Here are the top five.

#1.)  Because Nice Guys Aren't Real.  If you're TOO nice, women won't trust you because you'll seem like you're faking it.  "Bad boys" might treat a woman like crap . . . but at least they're genuine about it.

#2.)  Because Women Don't Respect Them.  Nice guys will do ANYTHING for a girl, but women won't respect you 100% if they know they can control everything you do.  And if they don't respect you, they won't be attracted to you. 

#3.)  Because Nice Guys Are Too Predictable.  It's the same for men and women:  If the person you're with is exciting in some way, you're more likely to be into them.  And bad boys tend to be more exciting.

#4.)  A Fear of Intimacy.  Yes, some women have it too.  And nice guys tend to want a commitment at some point.  But if a woman's afraid of intimacy, she'll tend to go for a guy she doesn't see herself marrying.

#5.)  Because Women Want Someone They Can Take Care Of.  Nice guys don't need too much fixing.  But bad boys usually do, so they become a project.

And women think that if they can create the perfect man, he'll never leave them.  Although as we all know, that strategy tends to backfire.

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