Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Month You're Born in Makes a Huge Impact on Your Future Career

This sounds like some mix of astrology, superstition, and an old wives' tale . . . but apparently there's actual data to back it up.  The Daily ran a story about a new study out of England that found the MONTH when someone is born makes a big impact on their future career. All they know is that data has shown people born in certain months end up in certain careers more often. Here are the findings . . .

JANUARY. Lots of doctors and debt collectors, fewer real estate agents.

FEBRUARY. Lots of artists and traffic cops, fewer physicists. Also, people born in February are most prone to narcolepsy.

MARCH. Lots of pilots and musicians.

APRIL. The only career that's over represented in April over time is . . . dictators. People born in April are also more likely to have lower-than-average IQs, and more health problems.

MAY. Lots of politicians, fewer pro athletes.

JUNE. Lots of CEOs. Also high on Nobel Prize winners.

JULY. Lots of manual laborers and artists.

AUGUST. Lots of manual laborers and high-ranking politicians.

SEPTEMBER. Lots of people in academia and sports.

OCTOBER. Lots of politicians. People in October are also most likely to live the longest.

NOVEMBER. Lots of serial killers. Also, people born in November are most prone to bipolar disorder.

DECEMBER. Lots of dentists. Also lots of religious and secular MESSIAHS . . . everyone from JESUS . . . to STALIN and MAO.

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